Paradisec blog posts

I wrote my first ever blog post on 7th February 2007, and in the following almost six years contributed 170 posts to the Transient Languages and Cultures blog, which later became the Endangered Languages and Cultures blog, associated with the Paradisec project in Australia. My last post there was on 10th November 2012. I continued blogging after this, but on EL Blog and my own sites, like the Diyari language blog, which I set up on 15 February 2013.

The following is a list of all my posts which are still available on the Paradisec blog — many of them are not attributed to me by name, but appear under the byline of admin or Jane Simpson, who as editor at the time posted my writings for me, before I was accorded my own editing status. Sadly, there are quite a few broken links in the posts now due to the disappearance of websites over the intervening years, but some of the posts, and the comments on them, deal with important issues in the theory and practice of the study of endangered and minority languages.

07 February 2007Diyari spoken and written languagelink
27 April 2007Communicating about our worklink
30 May 2007Seen in Londonlink
16 June 2007Endangered Languages and Taiwanlink
06 July 2007Conference on Language Documentation and Linguistic Theory: Call for Paperslink
09 July 2007(W)rite of passagelink
29 July 2007News from Rome: “Australia declares war on the Aborigines”link
31 July 2007Towards a social linguisticslink
18 September 2007On the noselink
16 October 2007European Science Foundation and Endangered Languageslink
26 October 2007The perils of fieldworklink
29 October 2007European Australianists workshop 2007link
12 November 2007I speak English and I can prove itlink
18 November 2007World Language Centre conference on cultural and linguistic diversitylink
21 December 2007Language Revitalisation and Maintenance Workshop 9 February 2008link
01 January 2008How do you say that in Aboriginal?link
13 January 2008Dying to be counted: commodification of endangered languages in documentary linguisticslink
15 January 2008Is mine big enough?link
21 January 2008More on language documentation corporalink
25 January 2008Australia’s linguistic exportslink
24 February 2008Taking our show on the roadlink
07 March 2008Where do you get the dosh from?link
03 April 2008Honourable mentionslink
08 April 2008Endangered languages on TVlink
23 April 2008it’s a comprehensive reference grammar, innitlink
25 April 2008Endangered Languages Week 2008link
10 May 2008Endangered Languages Outreachlink
13 May 2008Chirac Foundation sponsors Endangered Languages eventlink
15 May 2008Your language footprintlink
16 May 2008The times they are a changin’link
25 May 2008Things move fastlink
29 May 2008All the news that’s fit to printlink
06 June 2008And now we are fivelink
26 June 20081000 Languageslink
28 June 20083L Summer Schoollink
03 July 2008Copy, right?link
04 July 2008There’s copying and there’s researchlink
16 July 2008Top of the Popslink
09 August 2008Endangered Swanslink
25 August 2008Indigenous languages in Argentinalink
01 September 2008Top 10 Endangered Languageslink
16 September 2008Spreading the wordlink
17 September 2008Fieldwork by phonelink
22 September 2008Engaged scholarshiplink
23 September 2008Heard on the radiolink
28 September 2008Talkin’ ’bout them endangered languages, y’ knowlink
20 October 2008“Living Language” in Londonlink
13 November 2008Dueling languageslink
15 November 2008Black Swan reduxlink
24 December 2008Read all about itlink
06 January 2009The Endangered Languages Archive at SOAS: developing and sharing language materials through archivinglink
13 January 2009Facebook and Endangered Languageslink
30 January 2009Beliefs and Ideology on Endangered Languageslink
01 February 2009Endangered Languages Week 2009link
07 February 2009Announcement: 3L Summer Schoollink
09 February 2009Back in Tokyolink
21 February 2009Unesco’s “Atlas of The World’s Languages in Danger”link
02 March 2009Report on EL Week 2009link
01 April 2009ELAP students fieldtriplink
10 May 2009Fieldwork workshopslink
12 May 2009EuroBABEL projects announcedlink
13 May 2009Endangered languages and financeslink
04 June 2009Endangered Languages in Chronicle of Higher Educationlink
07 June 2009Australia beats US, againlink
09 June 2009Technologically-enhanced fieldworklink
18 June 2009New publications from SOAS and FELlink
01 July 20093L summer school mid-term reportlink
09 July 2009World Oral Literature Projectlink
09 July 20093L Summer School final reportlink
31 July 2009Look What They’ve Done to My Song (and other time-aligned data and analysis), Malink
25 August 2009New ELAR publicationslink
05 September 2009FEL publication special offer ending 15th Septemberlink
06 September 2009LDLT2 conferencelink
07 September 2009Forza dialetti!link
17 October 2009Teaching linguistic fieldwork and sustainabilitylink
18 October 2009Sorosoro website launchlink
23 October 2009More on Facebook and endangered languageslink
29 October 2009ELDP Programme Director joblink
03 December 2009Inauguration of Linguamón Casa de les Llengueslink
04 December 2009FEL Scholarship establishedlink
04 December 2009Book announcement – Language Documentation and Description Volume 7link
26 December 2009Workshop on Endangered Languages, Endangered Knowledge and Sustainabilitylink
01 January 2010Another year over and a new one just begun
14 March 20103L Summer School 2010link
07 April 2010LDD 7 now availablelink
14 April 2010How long is a piece of string?link
20 April 2010Bienvnus a Dgernesilink
26 April 2010Fieldwork training workshop in Manchesterlink
07 June 2010And still they speak itlink
13 June 2010Contemporary Aboriginal naming practiceslink
22 June 2010New website: Aboriginal Languages Network, Port Augustalink
09 August 2010How much room is there in the arc(hive)?link
02 September 2010It’s only naturallink
27 September 2010Where does the dosh go?link
01 October 2010Psst, want some data?link
29 October 2010The play’s the thinglink
31 October 2010Alive & Digital event in New Yorklink
04 November 2010No more Ngarlalink
23 November 2010The public wavelengthlink
26 November 2010SOAS publication planslink
28 November 2010Good on you LTU!link
03 December 2010Free and openlink
06 December 2010Endangered genreslink
04 January 2011Happy Anniversarylink
06 January 2011Small and stronglink
21 January 2011LSA 2011 Sessions on Metadata in Language Documentation and Descriptionlink
11 February 2011Another forty years onlink
11 February 2011LDP grant application round openlink
19 February 2011Open for businesslink
27 February 2011Language Documentation Traininglink
01 March 2011LDLT3 conferencelink
02 March 2011Workshop on applied language documentationlink
02 March 2011ELAR turns 36link
11 March 2011CUP Handbook of Endangered Languageslink
13 March 2011Trung-Yiddish translationlink
14 March 2011Endangered Languages: Critical Concepts in Linguisticslink
18 March 2011Endangered Languages Week 2011link
18 March 2011LDD 9 available for pre-publication orderlink
18 March 2011FEL books available for online purchaselink
23 March 2011Endangered Languages tweetslink
04 April 2011They’re out to get you (or your data at least)link
09 April 2011Rights, responsibilities, and data dufferslink
26 April 2011LEGO blockslink
26 April 2011Citation, citationlink
29 April 2011Who uses digital language archives?link
01 May 2011A new transcription systemlink
06 May 2011London’s Language Landscapelink
23 May 2011Happy snapslink
27 May 2011Searching in Endangered Languages Archiveslink
18 June 2011Podcasts on SOAS radiolink
30 June 2011Gresham College webcastslink
01 July 2011History in the makinglink
07 July 2011More searchinglink
16 August 2011LDLT-3 conference newslink
21 September 2011Archiving at ELARlink
22 September 2011“Indigenous” blogslink
17 October 2011ELDP grants 2012link
17 November 2011New Austronesian and Papuan research grouplink
16 December 2011Great Andamanese deposit launchedlink
16 December 2011Two jobs at ELARlink
21 December 2011New look HRELP online storelink
22 December 2011LDD 10 now outlink
16 January 2012Where are they now?link
19 February 2012Endangered languages, technology and social media (again)link
21 February 2012Get stuffed endangered languages!link
01 March 2012ELAR turns 50link
05 March 2012APLL5 conference registration openlink
05 March 20127th European Australianist workshoplink
05 March 20123L Summer School in Lyon, France, July 2012link
25 March 2012ELAR updatelink
30 March 2012Another one bites the dust (with apologies to Queen)link
02 April 2012More stories from ELAP graduateslink
22 April 2012Is Toolbox the linguistic equivalent of Nietzsche’s typewriter?link
23 April 2012Hammers and nailslink
23 April 2012Yet another 40 years onlink
26 April 2012ELAR update updatelink
29 April 2012Endangered Languages Week 2012link
03 May 2012ELW podcastslink
04 May 2012LDD and FEL books on salelink
19 May 2012Australian Aboriginal Language Materials in ELARlink
06 June 2012‘e’s a diamond (jubilee) geezer, innitlink
23 June 2012Endangered linguistics in Australia?link
25 June 2012ELAR cracks a tonlink
27 June 2012Australian Aboriginal Languages Virtual Librarylink
25 August 2012New blog about endangered languageslink
30 August 2012Signs of change?link
10 October 2012ELDP Grant Round 2013 – Call for applicationslink
13 October 2012New book on minority languages of Nigerialink
01 November 2012London tweetslink
05 November 2012Every Language Matterslink
10 November 2012LDD 11 now available for orderlink