Presentations 2022

The following list of talks I have given in 2022 is in reverse chronological order (most recent first). Links to previous years are below.

2022 Presentations
4 NovemberGuest lecture, SOAS, University of London. Ethics and rights in linguistic research. download
1 NovemberGuest lecture, SOAS, University of London. Overview of tools and techniques for language documentation, description and revitalisation. download
20 OctoberInvited talk, Faculty of Arts Scientific Advisory Board, University of Helsinki, Finland. Remarks on the current academic publishing landscape. download
11-15 JulyInvited lectures, Summer School on Language Documentation and Preservation, University of Tuscia, Italy.
1. Overview of tools and techniques for language documentation, description and revitalisation download
2. Language documentation, language description, and language revitalization: how and why? download
3. Language documentation, language description, and language revitalization: partners or problem neighbours? download
4. Ethics and rights in language documentation, revitalisation and archiving download
30JuneInvited talk, Jane Simpson Festival Workshop on Argument coding and clause linkage in Australian Aboriginal languages, Australian National University. download
28 JuneInvited talk, Workshop on Linguistic Research Methods, Mahidol University, Thailand. Publishing your work in journals. download
19 MayInvited talk, Conference on Heritage Languages Around the World (HLAW), Lisbon. Issues and challenges in language endangerment and heritage languages: some Australian examples. download
22 AprilInvited talk, University of Iceland, Vigdis Centre for Multilingualism and Intercultural Understanding. Revitalising Indigenous Languages and Cultures: A Global Perspective. download

Previous years: