Presentations 2023

The following list of talks I am giving in 2023 is in reverse chronological order (most recent first). Links to previous years are below.

2023 Presentations
12 Septemberlecture, FieldLing summer school, Paris “Corpus creation, archiving and use” download
14 Augustworkshop presentation, 10th European Australianist Workshop, Cologne, Germany The lonely lexicographer – J.G. Reuther’s Diari dictionary. download
13 Julylecture 3, LDSS2023 Summer School, Naples, Italy, Ethics and rights in linguistic research. download
11 Julylecture 2, LDSS2023 Summer School, Naples, Italy, Language documentation, language description, and language revitalization: how and why? download
10 Julylecture 1, LDSS2023 Summer School, Naples, Italy, Linguistic fieldwork: theory and practice. download
23 Marchguest lecture, SOAS, University of London, Language and culture revitalisation: ‘official’ models and support vs. local needs –  experiences in South Australia. download
10 JanuaryInvited talk, ANU Linguistics Department, Australia, Going back to the field after many decades: experiences in South and Western Australia. download

Previous years: