Presentations 2024

The following list of talks I am giving in 2024 is in reverse chronological order. Links to previous years are below.

2024 Presentations
13 Septemberseminar, IV Jornadas del Instituto de Lingüística, Universidad Nacional de la Pampa, Argentina, Trabajar con materiales heredados en la documentación y revitalización de lenguas: desafíos y oportunidades download
5 Septemberseminar, Diachrony of Flagging workshop, CNRS, Paris, Flagging and Diachrony in Pama-Nyungan Languages, Australia. download
3 Septemberseminar, FieldLing workshop, INALCO, Paris, Corpus creation, management, and archiving. download
19 Julylecture 4, LDSS2024 Summer School, Bolzano/Bozen, Italy, Outcomes in Language Documentation: Mobilisation and Language Support. download
18 Julylecture 3, LDSS2024 Summer School, Bolzano/Bozen, Italy, Corpus Management and Processing. download
15 Julylecture 2, LDSS2024 Summer School, Bolzano/Bozen, Italy, Language Documentation, Description and Revitalisation: How and Why? download
15 Julylecture 1, LDSS2024 Summer School, Bolzano/Bozen, Italy, Linguistic Fieldwork: Theory and Practice. download
8 Mayinvited seminar, World University Network, Mahidol University, Language documentation, description and revitalisation: experiences in South Australia. download
2 Mayinvited seminar, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia (RILCA), Mahidol University, Working with legacy materials in language documentation and revitalisation: challenges and opportunities. download
28 Aprilinvited presentation, SOAS-Mahidol early-career research workshop, Phetchaburi, Thailand, Research models, methods and outputs. download
8 Marchinvited presentation, University of Helsinki Scientific Advisory Board, International collaborations North and South: some experiences and cross-cultural challenges. download
27 Februaryguest lecture, SOAS, University of London, Language documentation, description, and revitalisation: experiences in South Australia. download

Previous years: