Upcoming training

From 10th to 114th June 2023 I will be participating in the Language Documentation Summer School (LDSS 2023) at the L’Orientale University in Naples. I will be contributing the following course components:

1. What is linguistic fieldwork? Goals and outcomes

  • what is fieldwork? why do we do it? where do we do it? 
  • defining description/documentation/revitalisation
  • overview of types of approaches to fieldwork (library, office, mud hut, online, collaboration in cyberspace)

2. Fieldwork data and research methods

  • what counts as data? ideologies versus performances, role of metadata
  • overview of research methodology and methods
  • elicitation, judgements, experiments, narratives, conversations, participant observations
  • corpus management hints

3. Ethics and rights in field-based research

  • ethics principles, informed consent
  • legal frameworks, GDPR and other rules
  • rights — copyright, moral rights, access and use licences
  • relationships in the field and after, reciprocity

Early bird registration in the summer school is open until 15th June 2023, and regular registration until 30th June 2023.

Online talk 31 October 2020

I have been invited to present at talk in the online Linguistics seminar series of Central University of Rajasthan, India at 11:30GMT on Saturday 31st October 2020. The title is “Local and Global Linguistic Diversity – what is it and what can we do about it?”. I will circulate information about accessing the talk later, and will post the slides from the presentation on my website after the talk.

SEL online talk 3 October

I gave at talk in this online series organised by the Society for Endangered and Lesser Known Languages, India, at 11:30am GMT on Saturday 3rd October 2020. The title is “Language documentation, language description, and language revitalisation: snog, marry, avoid?” A pdf of my presentation is available for download here.

Disponible en Español

My paper on ‘Communities, ethics and rights in documentary linguistics’ is now available in Spanish translation:

Austin, Peter K. 2019. Comunidades, ética y derechos en lingüística de la documentación. In Lucía Golluscio, Paola Pacor, Florencia Ciccone, Marta Krasan (eds.) Lingüística de la Documentación: textos fundacionales y proyecciones en América del Sur, 169-192. Spanish translation of Austin 2010. Buenos Aires : Eudeba & Universidad de Buenos Aires. link

Website launched

I announced the existence of this website on Facebook today so it is officially launched. My thanks for their comments and helpful feedback on pre-launch versions to Lise Dobrin, Jeff Good, David Nathan, Julia Sallabank, and Tony Woodbury.